Friday, 11 February 2011

Have Online videos lowered the standard of television production

looking at the standard of domestic videos compared to that of the content released both online a through the TV that's done by the professionals, i personally feel that online videos in now way lower the standards of television, but in fact challenge the TV company's and corporations to create more interesting content and then advertise it to the best standard that will draw in the viewers that they are aiming for.

looking firstly and the domestic side of video production, it is now a lot easier the the introduction of high quality cheap cameras and editing software now being available to not just the high end editing houses and televising company's everyday people can learn in there own homes how to shoot, edit and publish there own content aimed at a specific target market. it is also become easier to share the content we as the domestic side of video production with the introduction of websites such as vevo, youtube and facebook (videos tab)  we can publish our work with the knowledge it is aimed at the right target market and that it is up to the people watching it to judge the quality of the video and allow the best of the content to rise to the top and be the most viewed.

professionals while having the better equipment large budget and team of experienced people working with them do not have to worry about people not liking there created content and it not receiving the views they desire as most likely it will be displayed on a TV channel where no other options are displayed in menu bars or adverts therefore giving the perception that it is the only content out there on at the moment that can be watched, this gives that TV program a leading edge over the domestically created content

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